2017.10.18 環境建築デザイン学科4回生の冨田マリンさんが,平成29年度日本造園学会関西支部大会研究・事例発表において関西支部賞を受賞しました! Marin Tomita, fourth year undergraduate student of our department, won Kansai branch prize in Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture Kansai branch meeting in fiscal year 2017!
2017.10.06 窓学10周年記念 窓学展「窓から見える世界」に金子尚志研究室が共同研究グループとして出展しました! Kaneko Laboratory participated by member of joint research at Windowology 10th Anniversary Exhibition : The World Through the Window
2017.09.29 日本建築学会設計競技にて「ヨシパビリオン」が最優秀賞を受賞しました! The proposal of "Yoshi Pavilion" was awarded the Best Award in the design competition organized by the Japanese Institute of Architecture!